UPDATE: Huffington Post Story Hits AOL Homepage
In an update to our last post… The Huffington Post story on Marlo Thomas’ What’s Next column about The Custard Stand’s history has hit the homepage of AOL.com! AOL.com has a news feed from The Huffington Post, and one of the stories picked up this evening (October 23, 2013) was the story of Angie and […]
Custard Stand Story Shared on Popular News Website Huffington Post
Custard Stand Food Products owner Angie Cowger and Custard Stand Hot Dog Chili were featured Thursday, Oct. 23, on MarloThomas.com’s What’s Next site on Huffington Post. “Our phones have been ringing and buzzing non-stop with congratulations and kudos from family and friends,” says Cowger. “We’re so grateful for the opportunity to share the story behind […]
WCHS’ “Traveling West Virginia” Visits!
The Custard Stand and Custard Stand Food Products were featured May 12 on WCHS-TV‘s “Traveling West Virginia” segment. Reporter Brad Rice paid a visit to the Chili Queen and the crew. Did you know that they make more than 4,000 pounds of chili a day? Click here to watch the report!
Happy holidays! Check out the newsletter for the latest!
While the weather outside has been downright frightful, we’re thankful for our loyal customers, our staff, our friends and our families. The latest newsletter just hit inboxes! Click here to read it if you’re not a subscriber. Check out the special offer at the bottom!
Big news! Chili sales topped $1 million in 2009
We’re thrilled to announce that Custard Food Products had a record year of $1 million in sales. In 2010, we’ll introduce two new products. Read the news here.