“Road Trippin’ with Terry Burhans,” the popular West Virginia travel show on WCHS-TV ABC 8, puts Custard Stand Chili and The Custard Stand restaurants in the spotlight this week.
“We’re big fans of ‘Road Trippin’ and have visited several destinations around West Virginia because of the show,” said Dee Cowger, co-owner of Custard Stand Food Products, makers of Custard Stand Hot Dog Chili and Custard Stand Chili Soup with Beef and Beans.
Tune in Friday, May 19, to catch the debut. It will be on WCHS twice between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. The segment also will air on WVAH-TV Fox 11 between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m.
Rebroadcasts in June are scheduled on WCHS on June 2 between noon and 1 p.m. and June 9 during the 5 p.m. news. Click here to watch “Road Trippin’ … The Custard Stand” right now.
Burhans takes viewers behind-the-scenes at the plant in Webster Springs and visits the restaurants in Webster Springs, Flatwoods, and Elkins.
He interviews the Cowgers about how they got their start, the 2016 “Shark Tank” appearance, and what it takes to produce America’s Tastiest chili.
“With the upcoming opening of The Custard Stand in Summersville, the time was right to sponsor and tape a program,” said Angie Cowger, co-owner of Custard Stand Food Products.